Chris Bassani
Business Partner
" Harrup is a unique type of hard worker: he’s one of the first people I know who comes to mind when I think versatile or adaptable. He is incredibly gifted and steadfast in everything from intellectual topics all the way through various manual labor tasks. He can thoroughly analyze a complex supply chain system during the day, then go and spend six hours tearing down walls for his real estate renovation projects right after. There has never been a moment when Harrup wasn’t prepared nor excited to complete an important task. Whenever he and I would work on school projects or on grand future ambitions, he was always attentive and passionate the whole way through. To be alongside him as a fellow student and business partner has made me a better student. But more importantly, it has motivated me to always do more. The three adjectives that best describe him in my mind are Eager, Disciplined, and Ambitious. Get ready to roll out your red carpet for Harrup Singh, because this kid is something special. "