David Flynn

Close Friend

"As Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Harrup is one of the first people that comes to mind who I believe embodies this philosophy. He elected to be a co-op student at Stevens, getting work experience in rather than only getting experience in the classroom. When he’s not pursuing his dreams as an engineer, he’s studying real estate and/or working with his family. On top of this, he is active on campus in Greek Life and as a strength athlete.

I can remember very few conversations with Harrup that don’t entail something he’s working on or something he’s planning. These conversations always come effortlessly to him; work is always at the forefront of his mind. Despite the amount of tasks on his plate, he navigates every endeavor to the finest detail and makes sure every job is done right. Even more so, Harrup treats all of his friendships the same, being attentive to detail and always finding a way to have everyone’s back and be there when needed. It’s his powerful compassion and ability to stay focused on the task at hand just as much as the next one is what makes Harrup a one of a kind individual. "

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